Aug 16, 2009
A very busy week
But not as productive as I could have hoped for, because the "busy" part was all related to my day job. The salaried workers in my department were unwillingly committed to working after hours to whittle down our backlog of orders. I got about twenty knocked out the first night (Monday), then felt like a total vegetable Tuesday evening so didn't lift a finger to do anything, work related or otherwise... Wednesday I took my daughter out to our weekly Chick-fil-A kid's eat free dinner, and by the time we got back it was bathtime, so that didn't leave time to fit in any extra work. Thursday I tried to do a few orders but was having network issues with my wireless connection, and then between Friday night, Saturday morning and night, and today, I finally got the rest of them done.
In all I had almost 50 orders to take care of, the ones that took the longest spanned yesterday and today and there were less than ten of those, but due to the nature of them, it just takes longer to do them than the others I had. No, I did not spend ALL day yesterday and today working on them, I'd take breaks now and then to hang out with my husband and daughter, and eat and such. That is probably why it took longer over the span of the weekend than it would have if I'd sat and worked straight through it, but I was trying to have some semblance of a weekend intermingled with the forceful work I had to do before Monday.
But now I'm done, as of about 15 minutes ago, and it feels like a huge weight has been lifted. I really hope our boss doesn't put us into that sort of situation again, it royally sucks being salaried and working with no extra compensation. Oh, I guess they're going to buy us lunch or something. Whoop-dee-do.
That's just SO worth the loss of about three evenings and what probably equates to one full weekend day. Pfeh.
Now, I'm going to try to work up the motivation to pick up where I left off with my office re-organization. Becaues, you know, I'd really, really like to get back to working with my clay and making stuff so I can finally make use of my Artfire studio!!

Thanks for visiting my blog, and for the add. I have now on my blog roll as well.<br>Cheers!!
By: Blueberry Junkie, on Aug 16, 2009