Jul 06, 2021

Up on EE again and a new Design

This blog has been back and forth between WordPress and ExpressionEngine several times over its lifetime. I have grown weary of WP and having to constantly update it virtually every week. So back to EE I go, even if it's just to let this place sit idle for several more years. I have not included a form for comments, nor does my contact link go anywhere at the moment. It may never, I don't know yet. I just focused on getting the content out of WP and getting the new design implemented…

Dec 29, 2013

Completed painting - revealed

Today the painting was delivered to its recipient, my husband's grandmother, so I can safely reveal what I was working on now. First is a shot of the entire picture.  Keep in mind it is still a little curved, even after laying all night underneath something heavy in an attempt to flatten it, so if anything seems a bit skewed, that is likely why.  The squarish splotch on the upper right is a shadow. I can tell how my skills progressed with each figure with both the drawings and the…

Dec 28, 2013

Painting completed

I just finished a painting of three girls, but it is a gift so the reveal will have to wait until after it has been given to its recipient, since that person happens to be a fan of my FB page. 😊  All that is left is to wait for it to flatten and dry, then sign it and get it framed. Lessons learned from this project: Drawing faces is hard, even if I did use tracing paper to trace the photo and then use that as a guide while drawing.  No, I did not trace onto the painting this time.  I…

Nov 08, 2013

Angel and horse paintings

As promised, a photo of the angel painting I completed earlier this year, hand-drawn and all from my imagination:I'll have to get better photos of this later when the sun is out.  The kitchen lights leave a yellow tone to my pictures so I tried to color correct a little.  These might be a bit "richer" than the actual colors. Then, as posted on my personal Facebook page earlier today, the horse painting, completed.  I opted to do a monochrome style for this one: I still see a few things I'm…

Nov 07, 2013

What would you pay?

...for a hand-painted portrait?  It could be of a loved one, be it human or pet.  Sizes ranging from 8x10 to 16x20. Before I posted about my finished painting the other day, I'd first posted it on my Facebook page. A coworker commented on it, and what she said got me thinking. She said I should quit my day job, because it was awesome. That would be my dream, to be able to quit my job and pursue something I want to do, not just something I have to do.  But, I think that will probably be a…

Nov 05, 2013

Finished a painting

So, if you've been a reader here long enough to have read this post, then I have some news for you - I finally finished that painting!  Since my posts don't seem to have the YEAR in them, that post was from probably August 2010.  Yes, over three years ago.  The last picture in that post is how the painting sat.  And sat.  And sat. And then one day, the local art store, which I subscribed to their mailing list when I bought my papers and paints mentioned in that post, sent out a newsletter…

Aug 03, 2013

Back online

I know I haven't posted here in a while, probably over 10 months.  That's actually not abnormal for me, particularly since I probably have at least four different blogs I could chose to post from, two of which I haven't put up anything at in a much longer time frame than this one.  Haha. Anyway, if you happened across my site sometime in the last two weeks and got nothing but a white page, I apologize.  Sometime between when I updated WP last (while I was away on vacation) and when we got…

Aug 23, 2012

California Trip 2012

We took a week long trip in June this year, to visit a few cities that our daughter and I had never been to before, but that Josh had been, and then also returning to another city we hadn't been to since our daughter was two and a half years old. One of our goals was to drive the Pacific Coast Highway. We started our trip by driving to Solvang, CA, staying one night at Pea Soup Anderson's hotel.  After checking in, we drove into town to walk around checking things out.  We bought some Danish…

Aug 17, 2012

Tooth removal - my way

My daughter's fourth bottom tooth has been loose for a while.  It just started getting to the point where I could see where it was breaking at the root both in front and back.  So it was really very loose. She asked me, "what if I swallow it while I am sleeping?", to which I reply, "Well, if that happens, the tooth fairy won't have a tooth to replace with money.  So you should probably try to pull it tonight before bed." "Okay." So she's got a piece of toilet tissue, and is working the tooth.…

Jul 30, 2012

A dose of cuteness for the day

I picked up my daughter from daycare today, but before we could walk out of the door, she dashed down to her classroom where her cubby is located.  I asked her what she was doing, she said, "I'm going to get my invitations!" Okay... When she came back, with a stack of roughly bookmark shaped cuts of construction paper in hand, I asked her, "What invitations?" "To my birthday party, at JumpStreet!" ...her birthday is not for another six months. So apparently she is already planning her birthday…

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