Dec 08, 2009
My Artfire Studio’s Item of the Day special
While I have my 15% off sale going on until December 10, I also am doing a daily "Item of the day" special, which is free shipping on that particular item for the day, for shipping in the USA. International shipping will be 50% off for that item. I will change the special every day, I've been trying to start with items with the lowest views.
Today that item is my hematite heart bracelet (non-magnetic hematite).
If you're interested, click on the picture above and it should take you to my studio. Remember each of these items has this special for one day only. Given that I have only thirteen items listed currently, it will not be long before the item gets repeated in my special, so if you see something you like and want to wait for it to be on special, be sure to check out my Studio every day to see what's on special that day. Once it starts a repeat the special may not be the same - I may start doing a percentage off, especially after my 15% off everything sale is over, or a certain dollar amount, or free shipping again, you never know.
Thanks for looking!