Jan 10, 2012

You are not imagining things

Just a quick post before I head to bed. No you are not going crazy and seeing things. (not that anyone stalks this place that much, LOL) Yes I did switch things around, I'm using WP again.  I know, I'm a glutton for punishment, but this program is so much easier to use than what I used before.  I just need to keep up the updates when they come out and hopefully everything should be fine. (remind me again in six months when I'm screaming about my site being attacked, yet again) Anyway.  Out with the old, in with the new right?  I know the page probably looks pretty bad, but I will work on getting it prettied up over the next couple of weeks.  Figured I should switch it over now and get it done and overwith, since I was toying with the idea of moving back for at least a few months.  Longer than that probably.  So yeah, off like a band-aid time I deemed it.  Back on WP it is. I'm still keeping the other software installed and up to date, just in case.  Because I'm finicky like that.  Oh, and um, ignore all the duplicate categories for now if you would.  Byproduct of the export/import from EE to WP.  I'll get it cleaned up later.  It's tedious. g'night!
